Bundle Of Two French-Related Quick-Reference Items
Bundle Of Two French-Related Quick-Reference Items
Price: $17.90
Sale Price: $17.54
Product #: Bundle07

 Product Information:

This bundle is made up of two popular "Genealogy at a Glance" laminated quick-reference guides. They are:

Genealogy at a Glance: French Genealogy Research by Claire Bettag; 4 pp; 2012; Laminated, folded sheet; ISBN: 9780806318899; 8.5x11; Item # GPC479

We start with a couple of interesting facts: 8.3 million Americans (3% of the total population) claimed French ancestry in the 2000 U.S. census, and 2.4 million Americans (0.9% of the population) claimed French-Canadian ancestry. Thus, with over 10 million Americans of French origin, this research guide was almost inevitable, and in true Genealogy at a Glance fashion, it lays out the basic elements of French research in just four pages, boiling the subject down to its essence and allowing you to grasp the fundamentals of French genealogical research at a glance.

Consisting of Huguenots, Acadian refugees, and political exiles, the French contingent in America has always been viewed as a distinct element in the population, concentrated for the most part in Louisiana, New England, and the Midwest. Connecting these individuals to France and tracing them back through the earliest records, is the particular challenge of this research guide.

French research, we learn, starts with the vital records of birth, marriage, and death. These records fall into two categories: parish registers before 1792 and civil registrations after 1792. Because most records used initially in French research were created at the town level, identifying an ancestor’s town of origin is critical. Once determined (with tips given here to make it easier), research is generally conducted in the rich collections of departmental archives, including notarial records and censuses that are gradually being digitized and placed online. Municipal archives and libraries are rapidly digitizing their records as well, and the final section of this paper concludes with a list of helpful websites. The four specially laminated pages of this work are designed to provide as much useful information in the space allotted as you’ll ever need. No research tool in French genealogy is as effortless and as convenient.


  • Immigration/Emigration
    • Major Periods of French Immigration
    • Who Were the Immigrants
    • Emigration/Immigration Records
  • Unlocking French Family History
    • Pinpointing the Town of Origin
    • Family Names
    • Huguenots
  • Political/Archival Organization
  • Major Record Sources
    • Parish Registers, 16th century–1792
    • Civil Registrations, 1792–present
    • Notarial Records, 16th century–present
    • Censuses
  • Other Records
  • Repositorties
"French Genealogy Research"Book Review

Genealogy at a Glance: French-Canadian Genealogy Research; by Denise R. Larson; 4 pp. folded; 8.5 x 11; Published: 2011; Laminated, ISBN: 9780806318745; Item # GPC3286

French-Canadian genealogical research has never been so easy. In just four pages, Denise R. Larson, lays out the basic elements of French-Canadian research, boiling the subject down to its essence and allowing you to grasp the fundamentals of French-Canadian research at a glance.

In keeping with the Genealogy at a Glance theme, the four specially laminated pages of this work are designed to give you as much useful information in the space allotted as you’ll ever need.

Focusing on key record sources and materials for further reference, Larson first provides history and context, then deals with the unique aspects of French-Canadian research such as Acadia and Quebec before moving on to traditional record sources, finishing with a summing up of record repositories and online sources. In less than a handful of pages she provides all the basic instruction you need in order to begin and to proceed successfully with your research.

Genealogy at a Glance:"French-Canadian Genealogy Research" Book Review