Soldiers In King Philip's War
Soldiers In King Philip
Price: $51.50
Sale Price: $50.99
Product #: CF545D

 Product Information:

Soldiers in King Philip's War, Being a Critical Account of that War with a Concise History of the Indian Wars of New England from 1620-1677. Official Lists of the Soldiers of Massachusetts Colony Serving in Philip's War, and Sketches of the Principal Officers, Copies of Ancient Documents and Records Relating to the War. Also Lists of the Narraganset Grantees of the United Colonies Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut. 3rd edition; by George Madison Bodge; Paperback; 502 pp; Published: 1906, Reprinted: 2005; ISBN: 9780806300436; Item # CF545D

This is the definitive study of the Indian war of New England known as "King Philip's War" (1675-1677), with muster and payrolls of colonial soldiers, both regular and militia, and biographical and genealogical sketches integrated throughout the narrative. Also included are lists of grantees and claimants of the Narragansett townships of Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. The work as a whole is ably researched, intelligently written, well-illustrated, and fully indexed, the index of persons alone bearing more than 5,000 references.

The standard work on [this] subject - The New England Historical and Genealogical Register