The Old United Empire Loyalists List, With An Introduction By Milton Rubincam
The Old United Empire Loyalists List, With An Introduction By Milton Rubincam
Price: $36.00
Sale Price: $35.64
Product #: CF5870D

 Product Information:

The Old United Empire Loyalists List, With an Introduction by Milton Rubincam; by United Empire Loyalists Centennial Committee, Toronto; 334 pp.; Paper; Published: 1885, Reprinted: 2003; ISBN: 9780806303314, Item # CF5870D

The bulk of this work contains the "Old U.E.L. List," as it is generally called. The "List" contains the names of the thousands of United Empire Loyalist settlers who left the American colonies during and after the Revolutionary War and settled, first, in 1783, in what is now New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and then, in 1784, in Upper Canada, or what is now the Province of Ontario. After the war, additional settlers came from the United States to claim the protection of the Crown, and so the "List" contains additions down to 1798, the terminal year of the Loyalist migrations. The 156-page main "List" contains the names of the heads of upwards of 5,000 Loyalist families, with such information as places of residence, military service, and family relationships. A supplementary 52-page listing contains about 2,000 additional names.

"Although not all persons on the Old U.E.L. List are Loyalists, it contains a tremendous amount of information on the people included, their service, if any, with the Provincial Forces, the British Army, and the German Regiments, and the general location of their homes in Upper Canada." - Milton Rubincam