Fun Pedigree Charts - Ready For Your Color! Getting The Most From Your Flip-Pal With Adobe Photoshop Elements 10
Fun Pedigree Charts - Ready For Your Color! Getting The Most From Your Flip-Pal With Adobe Photoshop Elements 10
Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $2.94
Product #: FRP0121

 Product Information:
Details:    Fun Pedigree Charts is a colorful instruction brochure explaining how to color and fill in the names and statistics in formerly black & white pedigree charts using Photoshop Elements 10 (other Photoshop versions are similar, but may have slightly different menus and tool bars). Anyone purchasing a copy of Paper Trees from will automatically get a FREE copy of this brochure. The brochure is made up for use with a Flip-Pal mobile scanner, but it's generic enough that it's useful for anyone using any scanner, and Photoshop Elements.

This item's price includes the postage.